USB issues

A stack overflow in task USB MSC has been detected We suddenly started getting the following error when inserting a USB memory stick “***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task USB MSC has been detected.” Changing .stack_size from 2048 to 3072 fixed it:

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Incremental counter from 1 pin

Using the “Pulse Count Controller” (PCNT) CMakeLists.txt REQUIRES Ensure the following is added to the REQUIRES section of your CMakeLists.txt file in the \main folder: Configuring Reading value More useful version

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Shelly devices

There’s a whole range of really cool Shelly modules for use in the home, here’s a Knowledgebase UK store

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Light sleep

In light sleep mode, digital peripherals, most of the RAM, and CPUs are clock-gated, and supply voltage is reduced. Upon exit from light sleep, peripherals and CPUs resume operation, their internal state is preserved. Documentation Example light sleep function Used with ESP32 C3

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Crashing issues

Documentation Settings you can utilise Panic handler behaviour (CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC configuration) What happens when a fatal issue occurs and what is output can be changed, including having the CPU halt if you wish: menuconfig > Component config > ESP System Settings > Panic handler behaviour

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.6 Releasing a project

ESP32 release config Check the ESP32 settings as detailed on this page menuconfig particular settings to check: Panic handler behaviour (CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC configuration) What happens when a fatal issue occurs and the CPU has to halt.Component config > ESP System Settings > Panic handler behaviour = Print registers and reboot Releasing files and setup for production […]

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