.6 Releasing a project

ESP32 release config Check the ESP32 settings as detailed on this page menuconfig particular settings to check: Panic handler behaviour (CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC configuration) What happens when a fatal issue occurs and the CPU has to halt.Component config > ESP System Settings > Panic handler behaviour = Print registers and reboot Releasing files and setup for production […]

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Log messages via JTAG interface

Passing log messages over the JTAG interface, instead of UART0 Espressif resources https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32s3/api-guides/app_trace.html#app-trace-logging-to-host Getting it working esp_app_trace.h needs app_trace adding to your AMakeLists.txt Then in your project: A work in progress…so far we’ve been unable to make this feature actually work…!Got to here: https://www.esp32.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33205&p=112706#p112706

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Issues with Programming & Debugging

Where to look for indications of the problem The Espressif troubleshooting page has a good guide (and is what they’ll probably ask you for if you request help) Useful troubleshooting changes you can do in in launch.json JTAG debugging issues we’ve encountered (using ESP-Prog and VSCode) “connect ECONNREFUSED” In launch.json, changing mode to auto […]

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Project (& ESP32) settings

Rename (or move) project Close the project then rename its folder. Delete the \build\ directory so you delete the compiler cache etc. Open CMakeLists.txt in your project root and update: project(MyProjectName) Configure project SDK Configuration editor Menu > View > Command Palette > Type: “ESP-IDF: SDK Configuration editor” (or use CTRL+E then G)Wait for it […]

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Config UI Command Pallet (CTRL + SHIFT + P) > Edit Configurations UI This will give you a UI view, instead of editing the c_cpp_properties.json file directly Compiler config files .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/c-cpp-properties-schema-reference Include Paths .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json > “includePath” /** on the end of a path makes it recursive, meaning that all sub directories will also be […]

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.2 Making VS Code work the way we like

VS Code Options File > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts Transform to Uppercase ctrl + shift + u Transform to Lowercase ctrl + shift + l Use tabs not spaces Settings > Text editor > Insert spaces = OFF Settings > Text editor > Detect Indentation = OFF Turn off auto closing Settings > Text Editor […]

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