Build Errors The following Python requirements are not satisfied: Shown in the output windows, with another message like: To install the missing packages, please run “C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4.3\install.bat” Running the install.bat doesn’t resolve the issue or has errors. Is the version of Python you’ve installed (prequesit for Eclipse) quite new? You may need to remove it and […]
Category: Eclipse
Installing Eclipse IDE (Windows)
Our Eclipse IDE resources here may well be old, we’ve switched over to using VSCode Installing Eclipse IDE Install missing prerequisites Install Python (the Espressif Windows all-in-one toolchain installed embedded Python, not Python) from: to here by default: C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\ )Note if the current Python release is very new you may want to select […]
Making Eclipse work properly
Eclipse defaults are different to lots of IDE’s we use on Windows, here’s how we fix eclipse… Open eclipse preferences: Menu > Window > Preferences General > Workspace > Build > Save automatically before build General > Keys To Upper Case – Ctrl + Shift + U To Lower Case – Ctrl + Shift + L […]
Creating A New Project
Our Eclipse IDE resources here may well be old, we’ve switched over to using VSCode Resources NOTE: The esp-idf build system does not support spaces in paths to projects Create a project In Eclipse Menu > File > New > Project… Espressif > Espressif IDF Project Set the name and location (DO NOT USE […]