Manually controlling CS pins

When adding a SPI device, set its .spics_io_num to -1

	//----- SETUP IO PINS -----
	//Set CS high
	gpio_set_level(EXAMPLE_SPI_PIN_CS, 1);
	gpio_set_direction(EXAMPLE_SPI_PIN_CS, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);

	//----- ADD A SPI DEVICE -----
	spi_device_interface_config_t SpiDeviceInterfaceConfig1 = {
		.clock_speed_hz = 10*1000*1000,				//Clock out at 10 MHz
		.mode = 0,									//<<< SPI mode 0
		.spics_io_num = -1,			//<<< CS pin number (-1 = usunsed, you will control it yourself using GPIO)
		.queue_size = 1,							//<<< Number of transactions we want to be able to queue at a time using spi_device_queue_trans()
	spi_bus_add_device(EXAMPLE_SPI_PORT_NAME, &SpiDeviceInterfaceConfig1, &OurSpiDeviceHandle1);		//<<<You can use ESP_ERROR_CHECK() on this call if you are having issues

Now when you access other device, ensure you set CS low before you use it and high again afterwards

	//CS Low
	gpio_set_level(EXAMPLE_SPI_PIN_CS, 0);

	//your SPI access code here...

	//CS high
	gpio_set_level(EXAMPLE_SPI_PIN_CS, 1);
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