
Hardware Limitations

Note that ADC1 and ADC2 usage are shared by some peripherals, such as the random number generator and WiFi.


adc_oneshot_read() was fast in our tests, taking approx 130uS on an ESP32 S3

CMakeLists.txt REQUIRES

Ensure the following is added to the REQUIRES section of your CMakeLists.txt file in the \main folder:



Example setting up, with calibration and performing a read

#include "esp_adc/adc_oneshot.h"
#include "esp_adc/adc_cali.h"
#include "esp_adc/adc_cali_scheme.h"

#define ADC1_ATTEN           ADC_ATTEN_DB_11	//ADC_ATTEN_DB_0 = No input attenuation, ADC can measure up to Vref which is approx 1100mV (factory test value burnt into eFuse)
												//ADC_ATTEN_DB_2_5 = input attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 2.5 dB (1.33 x)
												//ADC_ATTEN_DB_6 = input attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 6 dB (2 x)
												//ADC_ATTEN_DB_11 = input attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 11 dB (3.55 x)

adc_oneshot_unit_handle_t Adc1Handle;
adc_cali_handle_t Adc1CalibrationHandle = NULL;
bool Adc1DoCalibration = false;
int AdcRawValueChannel_0 = 0;
int AdcRawValueChannel_3 = 0;
int AdcVoltageChannel_0 = 0;
int AdcVoltageChannel_3 = 0;

//********** INITIALSE A TO D **********
void InitialiseAtoD (void)

	//----- SETUP ADC1 -----
	adc_oneshot_unit_init_cfg_t Adc1InitConfig = {
		.unit_id = ADC_UNIT_1,
	adc_oneshot_new_unit(&Adc1InitConfig, &Adc1Handle);

	adc_oneshot_chan_cfg_t Adc1Config = {
		.atten = ADC1_ATTEN,
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_config_channel(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_0, &Adc1Config));
	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_config_channel(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_3, &Adc1Config));

	//Calibration Init
	Adc1DoCalibration = AtoDCalibrationInitialise(ADC_UNIT_1, ADC1_ATTEN, &Adc1CalibrationHandle);

//********** READ A TO D **********
void ReadAtoD (void)

	//----- READ ADC_CHANNEL_0 -----
	if (adc_oneshot_read(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_0, &AdcRawValueChannel_0) == ESP_OK)		//<<Takes approx 130uS on ESP32S3
		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Raw Data: %d", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_0, AdcRawValueChannel_0);
		if (Adc1DoCalibration)
			adc_cali_raw_to_voltage(Adc1CalibrationHandle, AdcRawValueChannel_0, &AdcVoltageChannel_0);
			ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Calibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_0, AdcVoltageChannel_0);
			//Calibration wasn't possible (this is an issue, measurement will likley be very non accurate!)
			AdcVoltageChannel_0 = ((double)3300 / 8192) * AdcRawValueChannel_0;		//<<<<<<<SET MAX VALUE BASED ON ADC BIT WIDTH (8192 = 13bit)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
			ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Uncalibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_0, AdcVoltageChannel_0);

	//----- READ ADC_CHANNEL_3 -----
	if (adc_oneshot_read(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_3, &AdcRawValueChannel_3) == ESP_OK)		//<<Takes approx 130uS on ESP32S3
		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Raw Data: %d", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_3, AdcRawValueChannel_3);
		if (Adc1DoCalibration)
			adc_cali_raw_to_voltage(Adc1CalibrationHandle, AdcRawValueChannel_3, &AdcVoltageChannel_3);
			ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Calibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_3, AdcVoltageChannel_3);
			//Calibration wasn't possible (this is an issue, measurement will likley be very non accurate!)
			AdcVoltageChannel_3 = ((double)3300 / 8192) * AdcRawValueChannel_3;		//<<<<<<<SET MAX VALUE BASED ON ADC BIT WIDTH (8192 = 13bit)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
			ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Uncalibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_3, AdcVoltageChannel_3);

//********** A TO D CALIBRATION INITIALISE **********
bool AtoDCalibrationInitialise (adc_unit_t unit, adc_atten_t atten, adc_cali_handle_t *out_handle)
	adc_cali_handle_t handle = NULL;
	esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL;
	bool calibrated = false;

	if (!calibrated)
		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "AtoD Calibrate - Calibration scheme version is %s", "Curve Fitting");
		adc_cali_curve_fitting_config_t cali_config = {
			.unit_id = unit,
			.atten = atten,
			.bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_DEFAULT,
		ret = adc_cali_create_scheme_curve_fitting(&cali_config, &handle);
		if (ret == ESP_OK)
			calibrated = true;

	if (!calibrated)
		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "AtoD Calibrate - Calibration scheme version is %s", "Line Fitting");
		adc_cali_line_fitting_config_t cali_config = {
			.unit_id = unit,
			.atten = atten,
			.bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_DEFAULT,
		ret = adc_cali_create_scheme_line_fitting(&cali_config, &handle);
		if (ret == ESP_OK)
			calibrated = true;

	*out_handle = handle;
	if (ret == ESP_OK)
		ESP_LOGI(TAG, "AtoD Calibrate - Calibration Success");
	else if (ret == ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED || !calibrated)
		ESP_LOGW(TAG, "AtoD Calibrate - eFuse not burnt, skip software calibration");
		ESP_LOGE(TAG, "AtoD Calibrate - Invalid arg or no memory");

	return calibrated;

//********** A TO D CALIBRATION  DE-INITIALISE **********
static void AtoDCalibrationDeInitialise(adc_cali_handle_t handle)
	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "deregister %s calibration scheme", "Curve Fitting");

	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "deregister %s calibration scheme", "Line Fitting");

Example function that uses as simple averaging filter

int AtoD1msTimer = 0;

	if (AtoD1msTimer > 0)

//********** PROCESS A TO D **********
void ProcessAtoD (void)
	static int NextAtoDChannel = 0;		//<<<Set first channel number
	static int AveragingFilterCount = 0;
	static uint64_t AdcRawValueBufferChannel_0 = 0;
	static uint64_t AdcRawValueBufferChannel_3 = 0;
	int AdcRawValue;

	if (AtoD1msTimer > 0)

	AtoD1msTimer = 10;		//<<<Read next AtoD every #mS

	//We read one inut each call
	//(You could do all, just seems sensible to split them out seeing as we are time based average filtering)
	switch (NextAtoDChannel)
	case 0:
		//----- READ ADC_CHANNEL_0 -----
		adc_oneshot_read(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_0, &AdcRawValue);		//Takes approx 130uS on ESP32S3
		if (AdcRawValue < 0)
			AdcRawValue = 0;
		AdcRawValueBufferChannel_0 += AdcRawValue;

		NextAtoDChannel = 3;		//<<<Set next channel number

	case 3:
		//----- READ ADC_CHANNEL_3 -----
		adc_oneshot_read(Adc1Handle, ADC_CHANNEL_3, &AdcRawValue);
		if (AdcRawValue < 0)
			AdcRawValue = 0;
		AdcRawValueBufferChannel_3 += AdcRawValue;

		//NextAtoDChannel = ;
		//break;			//<<<Last channel falls into switch() default state
		// \/
		NextAtoDChannel = 0;		//<<<Set first channel number

		AveragingFilterCount++;			//Do after a read of all the AtoD inputs

		if (AveragingFilterCount >= 16)		//<<<Set number of readings to average (also adjust the >>= below to match).
			//----- DONE NEW SET OF READINGS -----
			AdcRawValue = (int)(AdcRawValueBufferChannel_0 >> 4);			//16 samples needs >> 4 (each bitshift is /2)
			//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Raw Data: %d", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_0, AdcRawValue);
			if (Adc1DoCalibration)
				adc_cali_raw_to_voltage(Adc1CalibrationHandle, AdcRawValue, &AdcVoltageChannel_0);		//<<Takes approx 30uS on ESP32S3
				//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Calibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_0, AdcVoltageChannel_0);

			AdcRawValue = (int)(AdcRawValueBufferChannel_3 >> 4);			//16 samples needs >> 4 (each bitshift is /2)
			//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Raw Data: %d", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_3, AdcRawValue);
			if (Adc1DoCalibration)
				adc_cali_raw_to_voltage(Adc1CalibrationHandle, AdcRawValue, &AdcVoltageChannel_3);		//<<Takes approx 30uS on ESP32S3
				//ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC%d Channel %d - Calibrated Voltage: %d mV", (ADC_UNIT_1 + 1), ADC_CHANNEL_3, AdcVoltageChannel_3);

			AveragingFilterCount = 0;
			AdcRawValueBufferChannel_0 = 0;
			AdcRawValueBufferChannel_3 = 0;

	} //switch (NextAtoDChannel)


Disable AtoD

    //----- DISABLE AtoD -----
    if (Adc1DoCalibration)
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